Reduce Waste Management CostsThe success and staying power of solid waste collection companies has been achieved on the back of smart decisions and understanding the marketplace. By focusing on the customer and diversifying services, several companies have continued to increase market share and/or revenue.

Since 1990, Wastenet has developed waste monitoring solutions and delivering process improvements to big enterprises as well as haulers. The combination of Wastenet’s patented fullness monitoring device and analytical software has delivered massive gains to the door of smart industry leaders.

How do haulers also receive operational improvements and a competitive advantage?

1. Increased Customer Acquisition & Retention

For as long as the industry has existed, one piece of information has stood in the way of truly efficient hauling services – When is the optimum time to collect? With this knowledge, true value is realized by the customer as both early and late collections are avoided. Without it, scheduled collections will always run the risk of an unsatisfactory service. For both the Hauler and their customers, the cost to provide and receive the best service are minimized, helping the Hauler to retain and grow market share.

Wastenet delivers this valuable data through accurate fullness monitoring devices for both compactors and containers. Complimented by the analytical software, both the Hauler and customer can enjoy a control center view of waste and recycling operations. In addition, Wastenet helps Haulers to foresee equipment breakdowns and maintenance issues, ensuring that the customer never suffers from interruptions in service.

2. Return on Invested Capital

Efficiency in collections brings efficiency in costs. By optimizing the collection of material and reducing the number of hauls required to perform the highest level of service, expenditure on fuel, labor hours, truck maintenance, and even administrative costs can be optimized.

Location mapping of containers and the automation of service allows for agile and highly efficient operations. With predictive filling capabilities, Wastenet also helps to ensure that fleet and driver resources are made available in advance of collections.

3. Environmental Sustainability

The modernization of trucks and wide adoption of fleet management systems have had a hugely positive impact on environmental stewardship within the industry. Reducing carbon footprints feature heavily in the sustainability programs of every solid waste collection company, and their customers, however the primary way to lower carbon emissions should be to first reduce the truck mileage.

On average, Wastenet reduces unnecessary hauling trips by 56%. When applied to the hundreds of thousands of hauls performed on scheduled services each month, the Wastenet technology can have a profound effect on the environment and create headlines on annual sustainability reports for both the Hauler and their customers.

4. Economic Value

Advancements in procurement have, for all levels of waste collection, benefited the customer and are now a regular market feature. Quicker and more effective assessments of the Hauler and service levels valued most by the customer have streamlined the procurement process greatly.

During the customer’s evaluation, the ability to offer an automated, cost-friendly and validated service can stand out and can be highly valued. Potentially making the difference between winning new business and losing loyal customers. Wastenet delivers on all fronts by reducing operational costs, monitoring service, and strengthening the hauler’s price power.

5. Data Analytics

For waste collection companies, the ability to benchmark service levels, report on service validation, monitor driver accountability, and measure environmental sustainability efforts offers a new level of operational intelligence for the industry. Alone, accurate operational data can have a significant impact on the success or failure of a business strategy.

Providing feature rich tools and detailed reports, Wastenet makes operational analysis seamless and user friendly. And with personal account management, we are always on-hand to ensure results are achieved quickly.